9/11 REMEMBRANCE pt1: Featuring John Feal- WTC Crusader for First Responders
Since 2005, JOHN FEAL and his FealGood Foundation has been tirelessly bringing public support to the many first responders who risked their lives in Ground Zero. To this day, he continues to wear the many hats he needs to fulfill his mission from FUNDRAISER for the VCF (Victim’s Compensation Fund) to ADVOCATE and PUBLISHER of a non-profit RESOURCE CATALOGUE of all related 9/11 support services and LOBBYIST in Washington for the support of all public resources and compensation venues. The FealGood Foundation is one of the largest national organizations carrying the torch of ambassadorship for the many who selflessly risked their lives while defending the benefits of first responders and survivors of 9/11.
Read More : http://cancerresourcealliance.blogspot.com/2018/08/nycra-feature-john-feal-911-crusader.html