New York Specific Chiropractic, P.C.
My name is Dr. Jason Tabick and I lost my aunt, Debra Ann DiMartino, on September 11th. My Aunt Debra was working in the World Trade Center when the first building collapsed. Like all the other families affected by 9-11, we miss her every single day and will hold her in our hearts forever.
am a Doctor of Chiropractic and, in honor of my Aunt Debra, have chosen to donate a portion of my time to the first responders; those injured on 9-11 and are still suffering. This service is my way of giving thanks, paying respect and to never forget the men and women that protect our great city of New York.
As a “specific” chiropractor I can help with many health problems that are thought to have little to do with injury to the spine. My specialty allows me to help many health concerns that can occur after a severe mental/physical trauma such as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD), bipolar disorder, anxiety/sleep disordes, Irritable Bower Syndrome (IBS), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), fibromyalgia, and many other neurological problems.
If you are a first responder or know of one that is still suffering from sickness and injury after the terrorist attacks on 9-11, please contact me today.
Jason Tabick, D.C.
Clinic Director
New York Specific Chiropractic
6908 11th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11228