The Jockey Hill Solar Farm for 9-11 Responders

Donate to the Fundraising Effort here :

Our Story

On September 12, 2001 Azriel Alleyne, who was then a member of the National Guard, was ordered to the site of the twin towers to provide help to survivors and other first responders. The experiences he had that day have changed his life forever.
Those first days at the site of the towers were traumatic and in fact, toxic to the health of everyone who breathed in the airborne pollution. Like many others, Azriel worked at the site and did what he could. The result was a massive change in his physical health that has required a ten year recovery.
Unfortunately, the number of 9/11 first responders who are sick is growing every day, and the financial support offered by the government is not really covering their health costs. They are suffering, and so are their families. Frankly, many are in a difficult financial situation, and they need help.
So, Azriel created Freedom Solar Alliances and his determination has resulted in an opportunity for the rest of us to heal the planet and help secure the future for those people who stood up needed and have paid the price.

What We Need & What You Get

We have already purchased a reclaimed landfill of almost 50 acres which will be the site of the solar farm. The land is unsuitable for homes, but is already largely cleared of trees and ready. Now we need  to finish the engineering planning and logistics that’s needed for us to get final approvals. This process is expensive, and so we need your help. Once the approvals are ready, we will be able to obtain the financing required to create the farm and start producing energy.

The Impact

Taking care of 9/11 First Responders will give them a very real boost in terms of their finances and medical care, and psychologically it will remind them that their sacrifices not forgotten.

The Challenges

Building a solar power installation is complex, but we are well on the way. We have a great deal of community support for the project. We will also be launching a community solar program under new New York State regulation which will synergize with the 9/11 Responders effort. We have a great team, and we can do it!

Other Ways You Can Help

Even if you can’t contribute, that doesn’t mean you can’t help:

  • Please help us get the word out and make some noise about this campaign!
  • Don’t forget to use the Indiegogo share tools and whatever social media platforms you use. Spread it out with your network!